Park Rules

Park pass

Booderee National Park park use fees help us manage the natural and cultural values of the park and improve visitor services. We welcome visitors and encourage you to come – but visitation brings with it costs to protect the park’s natural and cultural values and to maintain facilities from wear and tear.

Other rules

There are other rules that we must respect including keeping the park clean and not feeding the birds and other animals because sometimes birds can come attack little kids or eat something that is not good for them and become sick and die.


Staying safe

  • slip, slop, slap – protect yourself from the sun
  • spiders, snakes and ticks are around
  • during total fire bans walking trails are closed
  • when near cliffs exercise extreme caution
  • when on rock platforms watch what the waves are doing and never turn your back to the sea
  • carry drinking water with you at all times
  • spearguns, hand spears and firearms are prohibited